Presentations Discover all the presentations of the Investment Summit Benelux 2025 The state of the Benelux Fund Industry 11h05 - 11h30 Darwin Hall Discover the full content of this presentation and it’s speakers Debate: Expect the unexpected: how can investors navigate in a fast-changing world? 11h30 - 12h00 Darwin Hall Discover the full content of this presentation and it’s speakers Lunch 12h00 - 13h30 Partner Village (Atrium + Zoo Gallery) Discover the full content of this presentation and it’s speakers Debate: Do passive investors create more opportunities for active investors? Or less? 16h00 - 16h30 Darwin Hall Or do we need both active and passive investors? And why? Discover the full content of this presentation and it’s speakers Debate: The Future of Thematic Investing 16h30 - 17h15 Darwin Hall After 2021, a number of thematic funds have had a hard time. What have we learned from this and as an asset manager and as a bank? And how do we see thematic funds in the portfolios in the future? And is this different for advisory or management clients? Discover the full content of this presentation and it’s speakers